Wednesday, September 1, 2010

when i was in my moms shoes

     A time when I was in another person's shoes was about three years ago when my brother got kicked out of the house.  I wasn't in his shoes but my mom's.   I was overly sad to see my brother leave and I cried for days, but the saddest thing wasn't seeing my brother leave or my crying, but my mom's.   She had a sad glare in her eye's for about a year after.  I could tell she was sad when she smiled and laughed.   I could see it in her eyes and tone.  That event killed her for the longest time.

                                                                                 -Alexis turner!


  1. the whole time i was typing this my mom was pointing out my flaws so i made her leave whilt i typed it! :) haha

  2. I loved when you shared this yesterday, there was so much raw emotion. Something has happened though. Did you revise it? Bring the descriptions back about how things were later. Check your spelling as well. Remember this is out there for the world...

  3. i fixed up my post............... at least i think i did.

  4. i like it, to me it's kinda dark and depressing good job alexis

  5. Thank you Goerge, and that time was really depressing
