Friday, September 24, 2010


                        It was the summer of 2009. I was down at the Lake of the Ozarks, gathered with my mom's side of the family. There being so many of us there we were all unable to get a nice comfy spot on a bed or even a couch. So my cousin, sisters, and I, sleep on the rough grindy carpet felt floor. Not being able to sleep (because we were to excited about getting to go on the boat on the lake, go fishing , and swimming in the lake tomorrow) we stayed up and talked.
       Our voices sounded like little mouse voices rough and cracked in a low whisper. Then my cousin sprung up like she discovered the cure to cancer then said something forgetting to whisper
        " Oh my gosh!!!! if you say gullible really slow Alexis it sounds like green bean," she said. I was wondering why this announcement was made directly to me and not to me and my sister, but anyways I also spring up and start talking. as slow as I possibly could I start saying green bean. It took me a good five minuets to say the entire word.
I say as possibly slow as I can. I look over to see my sister and cousin faces turning bright red from laughter. they were laughing so hard I almost mistaken them for to bright red tomatoes. chocking to get out  words aside from their laughter my cousin sputters out
      "no! you have to say it slower, that was to fast." so again I try to achieve to get gullible out of green bean. once more I say
    I hear myself saying this as I do and think about the word gullible and green bean at the same time. I slowly say each word by itself trying to find a comparison in the sound but I hear none. Even slower that time I still in no way heard the word gullible. Thinking it over in my head, twist and turns of thoughts, I finally shout out loud. "HEY! in no way shape or form does green bean say gullible," I shout. This outburst just gave them the laugh of the night and without trying in anyway to keep their voices low their rolling on the floor going crazy with laughter. I'm sitting there even kind of chuckling at myself thinking, wow I am gullible. That's when I figured out why the announcement was said to me because my sister would never fall or that. Then before we knew it we were all laughing so loud and hysterical.  Even though the expression or phrase is usually to cry yourself to sleep, but no, we laughed ourselves to sleep!


  1. I love this story! You built the suspense so well that I felt the same way you did. I didn't get it either until you did! I would love to hear more of the thoughts that were in your head as this all went on. Could you also maybe explain exactly what you realized--or at least a bit more anyway in case the reader doesn't pick up on it?

  2. Of course ill edit it and go on more with the story
