Friday, September 24, 2010


                        It was the summer of 2009. I was down at the Lake of the Ozarks, gathered with my mom's side of the family. There being so many of us there we were all unable to get a nice comfy spot on a bed or even a couch. So my cousin, sisters, and I, sleep on the rough grindy carpet felt floor. Not being able to sleep (because we were to excited about getting to go on the boat on the lake, go fishing , and swimming in the lake tomorrow) we stayed up and talked.
       Our voices sounded like little mouse voices rough and cracked in a low whisper. Then my cousin sprung up like she discovered the cure to cancer then said something forgetting to whisper
        " Oh my gosh!!!! if you say gullible really slow Alexis it sounds like green bean," she said. I was wondering why this announcement was made directly to me and not to me and my sister, but anyways I also spring up and start talking. as slow as I possibly could I start saying green bean. It took me a good five minuets to say the entire word.
I say as possibly slow as I can. I look over to see my sister and cousin faces turning bright red from laughter. they were laughing so hard I almost mistaken them for to bright red tomatoes. chocking to get out  words aside from their laughter my cousin sputters out
      "no! you have to say it slower, that was to fast." so again I try to achieve to get gullible out of green bean. once more I say
    I hear myself saying this as I do and think about the word gullible and green bean at the same time. I slowly say each word by itself trying to find a comparison in the sound but I hear none. Even slower that time I still in no way heard the word gullible. Thinking it over in my head, twist and turns of thoughts, I finally shout out loud. "HEY! in no way shape or form does green bean say gullible," I shout. This outburst just gave them the laugh of the night and without trying in anyway to keep their voices low their rolling on the floor going crazy with laughter. I'm sitting there even kind of chuckling at myself thinking, wow I am gullible. That's when I figured out why the announcement was said to me because my sister would never fall or that. Then before we knew it we were all laughing so loud and hysterical.  Even though the expression or phrase is usually to cry yourself to sleep, but no, we laughed ourselves to sleep!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The first time I wrote my name!

   The first time I wrote my name, I glared into that charcoal color crayon looking at my name written in the sloppiest way ever. Although today I no the mess that writing really was, but back then I looked at it as a masterpiece. I remember the whole thing, as I stared at the "beautifully" written name as if it belonged in an art museum. I felt like an all new discovered Picasso. I didn't think anything in the world looked better. So that day as I walked around the house to flaunt about my beautifully written name. Then I happen to pass my sister. Her being older than me, she always wants to find a way to bring me down. So then she said to me,
  " what are you so smiley about", in a rough grumpy tone of hate. Of course it being my name i wrote, i take it, shove it in her face showing her replying,
   "look it, I wrote my name, it's so pretty. Don't you think?" Tell this day I regret asking her that because in the most rude way she marches to our room pulls out some paper and starts writing. I just follow behind her wondering what in the world  she could be doing. Then when she's finally done, just as I have done, she shoves a piece of paper in my face with non-other than her name written on it. I stared at hers sadly, then back at mine. This repeated a good five times. Finally I throw my paper on the floor in crumbled bits and know I have been beat in the war of writing. What I thought was awesome at first, I was ashamed to be holding in my hands saying I wrote after that. Ccompared to mine it was phenomenal. After that incident I watched my mom, dad, sister, and anyone i could write to try and copy and improve mine, but it didn't work. I couldn't write the pretty swooped letters like my mom, nor the bold faced capitals like my dad. so eventually my mom noticed me doing this and told me,
        "the only writing good enough for you is your own, and it's the very best because it's yours." From then on I wrote how I did and tried to do it like no one else, and was proud of it!!

candy is unreliable!

candy is every possible thing
a milky sensation
a crunchy love
you can drift away in the fruity sensation
or melt apart in the milk chocolate
candy is always there when nothing else is
but can't help you pass a test
 make new friends
get a job
or be popular
and mostly it cannot in any way
keep you healthy
candy is good
and always what you want
but yet not always what you need
so u can get the fruity sensation or chocolaty goodness
but keep it to a minimum :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010


love kills
love heals
but worst of all love makes you think
makes you wonder and say to yourself
is this real
is this what I want
it makes you end it
what you thought you had was good
is now a long confusing sad story
but in the end love does none other than love you right back,
as you have loved it before

Sunday, September 5, 2010


       I just finished another book yesterday! It was  The Tale of Desperaux.  It was sooooooooo good. I love that book, it was like the 5th time I've read it.  I love the way the reader like talks to you in the book and is telling u things as if she's really there with you. Not only the narration, i just think it is the cutest story ever.  I mean what's cuter than a little adorable mouse pretending to be a knight to save a beautiful princess he's i love with. I'm more than positive I'll read this book again some other time and go pass 5 times of reading it, but as of right now am only at 5!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

goerge's poem

     I was in Mrs. Benson's class today and on the blog we read George's poem about one of his days. The poem was overly amazing with awesome detail and use of words! However, there was on line that just threw me off when he said,
       "It was like a chick flick written in bed". That just threw me off and made not much sense to me and didn't really follow the poem. If your reading this George could you explain this line to me, or if anyone else read his poem and has an explanation please tell me!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

when i was in my moms shoes

     A time when I was in another person's shoes was about three years ago when my brother got kicked out of the house.  I wasn't in his shoes but my mom's.   I was overly sad to see my brother leave and I cried for days, but the saddest thing wasn't seeing my brother leave or my crying, but my mom's.   She had a sad glare in her eye's for about a year after.  I could tell she was sad when she smiled and laughed.   I could see it in her eyes and tone.  That event killed her for the longest time.

                                                                                 -Alexis turner!